Thyroid Dis-ease
One of the most common visible signs of thyroid dysfunction is a swollen neck with two double rings wrapped around it, often indicating a swollen thyroid and very common in menopausal women. Most commonly due to an iodine deficiency.
One may experience hypothyroid symptoms, yet their TSH could be "within normal limits". And the TSH is usually the only marker a doctor is willing to order. There are many other tests a patient can request to measure hormones. The Endocrine Triangle According to Dr. Henry Harrower, the three primary endocrine glands are tightly connected, having synergistic and antagonistic relationships with each other. The thyroid depends on the health of the adrenal glands and the ovaries (female sex hormones) as part of the foundation of the endocrine system. If any of these are compromised, and no one has stress (adrenal function) right? then it throws off the wellness of the magical hormonal triangle. If you are feeling fatigued, not getting regular sleep, then most likely your cortisol levels are off. You may be operating in total exhaustion. The best place to jump in is by supporting your adrenals glands which are your fight or flight...stress. Without supporting these very important glands, the other two are effected. I make my patients a very powerful Adrenal Tonic along with supplements specifically for the adrenal glands to heal and repair and regenerate these glands. I also suggest they start the 21 Day Purification Program as soon as possible as this detoxifies and balances the chemistry in your body. Support of the thyroid is also very important and supplements high in nutrients for the thyroid are given. Another very important key when addressing thyroid issues is to work on what's known as our second brain, the gut. When this is out of balance it may effect and have a role in auto-immune diseases like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and perhaps some cancers. Even obesity.