10-Day Programs to jump start your health using whole food nutrients and diet.
The 10-Day Programs were designed to support patients that have specific physiological needs including digestion, blood sugar, inflammation, hormone reset and male and female vitality. The programs are not designed to replace the 21-Day Purification Program, but are intended to support specific areas of health.
GUIDELINES Please note that there is a specific dietary guideline that is used for all of the 10-Day Programs. It is important that the dietary guidelines are implemented with each of the programs in order to achieve optimal results. The program was not designed to be done without dietary changes, so please include the dietary guidelines document along with the protocol card given to the patient.
NEXT STEPS After seeing positive results from the 10-Day Program, your patient should be ready to move forward with additional nutritional support. Different tools have been used to show the changes they experience, such as the pre and post assessment forms, RJL measurements, and fructosamine levels (in the Blood Sugar Program). Once the program is complete, it is important to encourage the patient to take the next step with your office. They should be in a healthier state and ready to accept the next level of nutritional support that you have to offer. You might have the patient continue with the Systems Survey Form, Nutritional Exam, or other diagnostic tools you utilize. The patient may be ready for the 21-Day Purification Program, or they might need to do the 10-Day Program again. The goal is to continue guiding the patient on their journey to optimal health.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The products selected for each program are specific to the organs and glands that will assist you in maintaining "healthy" levels. This program consists of high quality organic whole food and herbal complexes that contain many beneficial nutritional constituents that are essential to our health - as opposted to synthetic vitamins that are missing the naturally occurring enzymes and complexes. On the SP labels you will recognize many foods such as kale, brussels sprouts, beets, barley grass, etc. Below is a brief description of the products that will support each 10-Day Program.
SP Complete SP Complete SP Complete SP Complete SP Complete SP Complete
Symplex® M SP Cleanse SP Cleanse A-F Betafood Symplex F/M SP Cleanse
Rhodiola & Ginseng Boswellia Complex Paraplex Okra-Pepsin E3 Hypothalamex Diaplex
Zinc Liver Chelate™ Multizyme Chaste Tree/ Wild Yam Zypan Blk Current Seed Oil Gymnema
SP Complete SP Complete SP Complete SP Complete SP Complete SP Complete
Symplex® M SP Cleanse SP Cleanse A-F Betafood Symplex F/M SP Cleanse
Rhodiola & Ginseng Boswellia Complex Paraplex Okra-Pepsin E3 Hypothalamex Diaplex
Zinc Liver Chelate™ Multizyme Chaste Tree/ Wild Yam Zypan Blk Current Seed Oil Gymnema